IJSER Journal Surpassing the Boundaries of Conventional Scientific Research

Posted: May 9, 2014 in News
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The IJSER Journal is an open platform for exhibiting the scientific finesse of various technical scholars around the world. The wide range of subjects on which research journals can be published is the prime reason to favor this platform. Theoretical Computer science, Information processing, Data Security and many other profound subjects can be selected by scholars to research and publish journals. The comprehensive indexing and detailed scrutiny of the research papers by the analysts diminish the prospects of publishing fake or slightly modified pre-published journals. The journals must be written in the format of a template provided by the website. Engineering research is gradually picking greater heights due to the evolution of innovative fields which were a mere figment of imagination in the past.

IJSER and Publication of Peer Reviewed Journals

IJSER or the International Journal of Scientific Education and Research is a flexible online platform to iterate the scientific expertise of scholars on written medium. The journals published on the website are relevantly assessed by an adept panel of reviewers and thus publishers should execute their research work in a comprehensive manner in order to discard the probabilities of plagiarism. The papers published on the IJSER website are liable to a widespread exposure in the scientific community due to the superlative indexing policy implemented by IJSER.

IJSER Journal deals with contemporary variants of scientific and engineering research which have popped up frequently in the recent years and developments in those sectors have resulted in commendable inventions. For example, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are the two most profound subjects under research which have vended out incredible products for human use in medicine, technology and varied fields of application.

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